Monday, 4 April 2022

Let there be light

One fairly small action has made a huge difference to our smallholding. Out in the middle of the Fens life can be a little breezy at times. You learn to live with it and even to quite like it, but it's only sensible to afford yourself a little protection.

But why live on The Fens if you can't admire the 360 degree horizon, the sweeping views and the huge skies.

So over the years I've planted a small network of sort native hedgerows designed to break up the wind while still keeping the views. Of course, they are of enormous value to wildlife, particularly ince the farmers round here seem so keen on pulling out every bit of vegetation which dares even look at their featureless fields designed for huge machinery.

The main rooms of the house look out over one such field, but over the years a young laurel hedge had slowly blocked out the view and the light. These things happen almost imperceptibly.

But in early March I got stuck in and cut it back from maybe 15 feet tall to 4 foot stumps, which will resprout with softer material.

The difference is amazing. We have a view again! We have light in abundance. And the pond is very, very happy. The water has cleared, no blanket weed, no duckweed. I can watch newts and Giant Diving Beetles rising to the surface for air, pond skaters, water boatmen and whirligig beetles demonstrate various means of transportation in water.

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