Tuesday, 27 March 2012

More Goose Trouble.

Tuesday 27th March 2012
A fireball in the sky, a frost on the ground.

A typical friendly morning greeting from the geese.

While I was at work yesterday, Don kindly dragged over my second veg plot. However, the three unruly geese kept following the tractor. Fearing an early end for one of them, Don corralled them in the vacant pig enclosure, where they seemed to have made themselves at home... until 10 o'clock this morning, when I heard a muffled honk from the road.

Upon investigation, there were the terrible threesome up to their traffic calming tricks again. I drove them back into the garden and spent the rest of the day with the gates shut. They quickly discovered the pond, which they found to their liking. They are now back in their original paddock while the other two recover in the stable block. Gerry is happy about this too, as he has recently converted the pig ark into a storage cabin for half mutilated baby rabbits!  

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