It's a month now since our Shetland ewe kept us waiting for 41 hours before giving birth to two gorgeous little lambs.
This occasionally results in her coming face to face with unexpected threats.
It wasn't long before I let the lambs outside with mum. They moved into a small paddock with just one other ewe, their aunty, whose motherly instincts had been heightened since she lost her lamb.
And there they have frolicked and played for the last few weeks. They still feed greedily from mum, but have started grazing too and nibbling the bark off willow branches.

They have names now too. Mutton and Geoff! The boy, obviously, is Geoff. The girl is Mutton... and at some point she will be!
So, if the goslings and the lambs couldn't claim first place for cuteness, just who or what does take the title?
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