Thursday 3 January 2019

Greater Awareness of Awareness Days - my late New Year's Resolution

Read on to find out why the dogs went to the beach today
Well that's the festive period successfully negotiated.

That got me thinking. What's next? Is it Valentine's Day or is there one I've forgotten? There seems to be a gradual proliferation of celebrations and almost invariably the original reason for celebrating has been lost in favour of a growing list of things to have and to buy including a fair degree of wasteful cheap plastic tat.

Then I started to think about all the various Awareness Days and Months which exist these days. I am so often disappointed to find out that the day I have just lived was World Soil Day or Rare Diseases Day or National Pie Day (just 3 random examples).

And so, a day or two belatedly, I have a New Year's Resolution - to be more aware of awareness days!

I'll start by saying that I am not doing Dry January or Veganuary. I could easily do either. Alcohol is not a large part of my life and it's a shame it seems such a focus for so many.
As for Veganism, you may be surprised to find that I once was a vegan for a couple of years, when I was much younger. I find the current trend towards veganism quite heartening, though as an advocate of small-scale eco-smallholding I do think the arguments are not as straightforward as many would think.
But at least more people are thinking about their food choices and about their impact on the earth. If everybody thought like this, even if their conclusions and methods weren't always correct, Gaia would have a much better chance of mending herself.

Enough of the serious stuff for now though.

Over in America January is Walk Your Dog Month. I can go with that one.
So with today being the last day of our school holiday, it seemed a good thing to take the dogs to Brancaster beach on the North Norfolk coast.
This is the equivalent of dog Disneyland. Low tide offers miles of sandy expanses and packs (in a friendly way) of friendly dogs and dogwalkers.


Sue and I did about 4 miles today. Arthur probably did about 6 and Boris did about 24!

Looking Back - Featured post


Ten years and a thousand blog posts! Enjoy. Pictures in no particular order.  

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