Monday 8 January 2018

Mud-dling along

Saturday 6th January 2018
A few dry days would be good so the water has time to drain

There is a fine balance between muddy and not muddy at this time of year. With the colder temperatures most moisture does not escape upwards but needs to drain down. Our land is not too bad compared to many, but well trodden routes can still churn up a bit.

So far 2018 has seen rain every day. Bizarrely Storm Eleanor did us a favour as the winds drove the moisture off the surface, but daily downpours since then have topped it back up.
On very well trodden areas, such as the entrance to the chicken feed shed, I have laid down paper feed bags so we are not splodging around too much.
The moles are doing their best to help with the drainage which is a good thing.

I still haven't got my garlic in. I am waiting for a frosty morning so I can turn the soil. It will still be a muddy job, but the sooner it is in the better. It needs to experience some low temperatures in order for the cloves to split later in the year, so I can't delay much longer.

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