Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Celery powder

I'm not sure what we'll use it for yet, but we've just made some celery powder, christening our recently purchased food dehydrator.

I am trying to make more use of the polytunnel over the winter and one such use is to hold crops in a state of virtual dormancy until they spring back to life in the spring. I tried this with celery this year and we had some lovely early celery stalks.

But now the celery is flowering and taking up valuable space, so I have pulled all but one plant up. This plant I shall use to produce celery seed.
As for the rest, it seemed a shame to waste them so Sue patiently chopped them up and dehydrated them.

A few minutes in a blender and we now how a wonderfully aromatic potful of celery powder.

Looking Back - Featured post


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