Sunday, 23 June 2013

10 weeks in the polytunnel

The polytunnel today
 Growth in the polytunnel has been astronomical. I thought the best way to show this was in photos.

Potatoes    8 April
Sowing begins    12 April

Warming up
A new bed    15 April

Fast forward to mid May
The race begins
Bean seedlings ready for planting

Old pig bags always come in use

Brassica seedlings growing up

Cucurbits struggle to germinate

A greenhouse within a polytunnel
Tomatoes doing well, aubergines slow to get going

Another new bed and seedlings starting to grow

The potatoes are coming along    17 May

Potatoes    2 June

Tomatoes   2 June
Ready for planting as soon as flowers begin to appear

Looking Back - Featured post


Ten years and a thousand blog posts! Enjoy. Pictures in no particular order.  

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