Monday, 26 November 2012

The beam

Well, it's been a while since my last post. The building work has somewhat overturned all other routines, but it will be worth it in the end. The office is gone, to become a bathroom, so the computer has been unplugged for a while. It's now re-established in the lounge, so it's blogging time again.

The beam
The subject of today's post is the beam. That huge chunk of pitch pine which we unearthed at Patrick's wood salvage yard. It came complete with nails, holes, notches and many years of grime.


So much history enshrined in a colossal piece of timber, not to mention the decades, or even centuries it stood somewhere in a Scottish forest.

Me and the beam spent two days in each others company last week as I lovingly brought it back to it's former glory. We had been a little worried that it would dominate the room or look out of place, but now that Jason and his mate Ernie have somehow managed to lift it into position we are positively beaming. In fact, we spent about an hour just gazing at it, we are that happy with it. And I can always look up at it and think "I did that".

Just as importantly the beam is doing a wonderful job supporting the ceiling above, which always seemed as if it was about to cave in every time anybody moved around in the bedroom above.

Looking Back - Featured post


Ten years and a thousand blog posts! Enjoy. Pictures in no particular order.  

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